Sitting alone in the darkest corner
You feel like you've suffered a lot
Remembering good old days full of laughter
You don't know where they got lost
Shadows of fear chase you down
You feel like there's no one around
Remember just like good old days
This time too shall pass
Time will heal you (X3)
Never back down
You wish that amidst dark clouds hovering
A ray of light brightens your days
Keep moving, keep dreaming
Just ignore what anyone says
You will come around
It's just a matter of time
No one can steal your thunder
Remember it is your life
When this phase comes to an end
You will come out stronger than ever
Remember just like good old days
This time too shall pass
Time will heal you (X3)
Never back down
Time will heal your worries
Time will heal your pain
Stop living in the past
There is nothing to gain
Time will heal your worriesTime will heal your pain
Stop living in the past
There is nothing to gain
Time will heal you (X3)
Never back down

Time Will Heal You by Vishesh Kumar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License