Hey viewers,its an awesome Sunday and I wish you a happy Sunday.May your day be full of music,fun and laughter. Here's my song which I wrote a few days back and its dedicated to a wonderful day that we all like -Sunday :) Happy reading
7 AM high pitched alarm
goes off
8 AM I haven’t slept
9 AM I wake up from the
10 AM running in
directions XYZ
11 AM I am having my breakfast
12 o’clock in hurry I am bathing fast
1 PM I arrive at McD
2 PM going high on energy
Oh it’s a holiday yay
it’s a leisure day
Waking up late rolling
on skate
Roaming all around the
O somebody put a brake
So what the hell if I
am strolling around
It isn’t my mistake
3 PM chatting with my
friends online
4 PM taking out my car
for a long drive
5 PM having fun hanging
out with friends
6 PM Dancing and
jumping on railings and bandstands
Oh it’s a holiday yay
it’s a leisure day
Waking up late rolling
on skate
Roaming all around the
O somebody put a brake
So what the hell if I
am strolling around
It isn’t my mistake
7 PM partying hard with
friends and wine
8 PM dancing like crazy
in Club 89
9 PM don’t want to sleep
10 PM chasing frenzily
some flocks of sheep
11 PM the farm owner
runs after me
12 midnight I am
laughing hard because I did flee
Oh it’s a holiday yay
it’s a leisure day
Waking up late rolling
on skate
Roaming all around the
O somebody put a brake
So what the hell if I
am strolling around
It isn’t my mistake

Holiday by Vishesh Kumar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
Holiday by Vishesh Kumar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License